Viking Pearl

Hnefnatafl Playing Board, Pieces, and Scroll

This recipient is quite knowledgeable about Viking clothing, accessories and timelines for the known clothing. As such, I wanted something that was precise and exemplified her chosen period.

While researching other scrolls, I had come across these gorgeous glass and angler playing pieces. Digging deeper showed them to be a part of a game called Hnefnatafl. Much to my delight, I discovered that there were grave finds of boards. I particularly liked the Knockanboy board as it had side handles which I could put to good use.

As I don’t blow glass and time was short, I created playing pieces out of Fimo clay and baked them with holes down the centers to turn into beads. The King piece was also clay, and I created the award emblem (a Pearl on a half-shell) as well.

I enlisted my Laurel, Goodwife Michel Almond de Champagne, to help recreate a playable board, based upon measurements of the original (and to which the pieces were sized). We spent a good part of a morning working on the board, and then she had her laser cut out the base and frame, Where the handles were on the original, we created “picture frames” — one for signatures and one for the helm and veil over her heraldry which is part of the award. The wording was done in Norse (for her persona) and used as scrollwork decoration around the frame.

I also added in a small 5×7 pergamenata and ink write-up of the wording for her to hang adjacent to her board with a Pearl done in ink Squashed Bug technique at the bottom.

The helm is that of the recreated Sutton Hoo, again, to fit her persona’s timeline. It was made on pergamenata, using my homemade gesso and moon gold leaf & 23k gold leaf to mimic the gold and silver of the original with embossing to recreate the patterns and pictures of the helm. The veil is my use of Squashed Bug style to make it appear translucent over the heraldry and helm where it draped.

The playing pieces are not really meant to be worn, but I strung them together to create the strand of jewels which would hang between a woman’s brooches holding up the overdress when the board was mounted to the wall.

Wooden board, Fimo clay playing pieces, pergamenata side pieces and gouache. Gesso (made by me), with Moon gold and 23k gold leaf.


The Knockanboy Board:

Playing Pieces: King based on Birka 750; (other pieces loosely based on other Birka finds)

Sutton hoo: The helm on Coat of Arms done as a recreation of the Sutton hoo helm.

History of Hnefatalf:

Playing instructions (assumed):

Scroll mounted in its home!

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